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We want you to succeed, so we’ll always provide the most competitive rates we can. But a great rate is just the first step in reaching your financial goals. Combine it with products and advice that put your best interests first, and you'll discover what it means to be empowered with your money. It’s just one of the ways we keep our promise to help grow prosperity for you, our local businesses and our communities.

Synergy Credit Union has numerous financial products with various interest terms and rates for each. We evaluate individual loan application on its own merits and customize a financing lending program accordingly. Our rates are super-competitive. Our staff use their specialized financing expertise to adapt loan products, terms and rates to the needs of each individual. We encourage all new or existing members to talk with an expert for a mortgage financing program designed specifically for you.



5-Year Insured Mortgage

Get up to $2,500 cashback*

Ready to purchase or build a new home? Looking to switch your mortgage? Get cashback with your Synergy CU personal mortgage! 
Simplicity Mortgage Rate*
Variable (Prime - 0.50%) 4.700% (Conventional and Insured*)
Fixed (1-Year) 5.840%
Fixed (2-Year) 5.440%
Fixed (3-Year) 4.490%
Fixed (4-Year) 4.490%
Fixed (5-Year) - Insured
Fixed (5-Year) - Conventional
Fixed (6-Year and 7-Year) 5.250%

Open Mortgage Rate*
Variable (Prime + 2.00%) 7.200%
Fixed (1-Year)

Super Mortgage Rate*
Variable (Prime + 0.50%) 5.700%
Fixed (1-Year) 6.340%
Fixed (2-Year) 5.940%
Fixed (3-Year) 4.990%
Fixed (4-Year) 4.990%
Fixed (5-Year) 5.090%
Fixed (6-Year and 7-Year) 5.750%

Personal Construction Mortgage Rate*
Variable (Prime + 2.00% - interest only) 7.200%

*Some conditions may apply to the posted personal mortgage rates; rates are provisional upon approved credit.  

Please note: Our mortgage interest rates are compounded semi-annually, but not in advance like some others may be. Interest rates are subject to change without notice at any time.

Additional Information:

  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the total cost of credit expressed as an annual percentage taking into account both interest (AIR) and various non-interest finance charges (for example, appraisal fees).
  • The annual percentage rate (APR) will be the same as the stated rate (AIR), assuming there are no cost of borrowing charges (for example, appraisal fees).
  • Applicable to residential mortgages only and subject to Credit Union lending criteria for residential properties. Some conditions apply.

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