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5 easy ways to save at the grocery store

Here are some tips to help you save some cash at the checkout.

1. Embrace whole grains and beans.
Beans and whole grains, like quinoa and brown rice are relatively inexpensive but they do a great job of bulking up meals. They can even be a meal by themselves by just adding some vegetables.

2. Cook large portions and use your leftovers
Cooking large meals not only saves money but time. Make enough for three meals and individually store the leftovers in freezer bags and put in the freezer for future use. Leftovers are also a fantastic option for stews the next day.

3. Emphasize in-season produce.
It’s hard not to notice the fluctuation in prices for your favourite fruits and vegetables during the year. That’s because when they are in-season, the prices drop because of increased availability. According to, “during summer months, organic strawberries, stone fruits (like peaches, apricots, cherries and plums) and melons are some of the best values.”

4. Skip the brand names
All food manufacturers have to follow standards to provide safe food. The generic brands may be the same quality as other national brands, just less expensive.

5. Use the freezer
As mentioned above, by preparing more than one meal at a time, you can save both time and money. But that’s not all that a freezer can be used for. It’s also a major cost saver when you see great value at the grocery store. You may not need four chickens today, but when they are at a price that’s hard to walk away from, you can store up for the next couple of months.

These simple changes can add up to major savings over the long term. Contact us. We can help develop a plan to save your family money.

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